El Aborto en Colombia: en Contra del Derecho a la Vida

La historia de Amilia Taylor es una historia única e irrepetible. Amilia Taylor es una bebé americana, nacida en la semana 22 de gestación. A pesar de su prematuro nacimiento, Amilia era una bebé completamente formada, y hoy en día, con 16 años de edad, Amilia Taylor es una joven sana, que vive como cualquier […]

WYALA Introduces New Sergio Arboleda University Chapter

[su_tabs active=”2″][su_tab title=”English”] Introducing a new Chapter is always good news for the World Youth Alliance, because it means that the struggle for the dignity defense strengthens day by day. All these actions contributes to a purpose that keeps getting more visible. Under this circumstance, it is an honor to introduce the new chapter in […]

WYALA introduces the National University of the East Chapter

The World Youth Alliance values the commitment of its members to advocate for human dignity. Opening a new chapter in your own region is significant since they will achieve WYA’s objectives more precisely. The WYALA is growing day after day, and we are grateful to announce the new chapter at the National University of the […]

WYALA Introduces New Lima Chapter

A Chapter of World Youth Alliance means the development of its objective: enable members to become protectors of human dignity in their regions. The WYALA is composed of a bunch of Chapters, and the principal motivation for its growth comes from young members who are committed to lead them. So, it is a pleasure to […]

Meet the WYA Mexico Committee Leaders

The Latin America Region of World Youth Alliance (WYALA) is pleased to announce the new coordinators of the WYA Mexico National Committee, led by Ana Bolio and Marco Gutiérrez, both extremely active WYA members. They are expected to continue promoting Human Dignity as well as expand WYA in their country.   Meet Ana! Ana Bolio […]

My Experience from WYA’s Pamplona Bringing Youth Back to Work event

The Erasmus Plus Project “Bringing Youth Back to Work” was truly a wonderful and inspiring experience for me. My decision to participate in the project was conveniently formed by the fact that I am finishing my studies and will soon be looking for employment. Therefore, coming to Pamplona, my main expectations were to share my […]

We Have Arrived in Argentina!

[su_tabs active=”2″][su_tab title=”English”] World Youth Alliance Latin America (WYALA) is pleased to announce the launch of the WYA Argentina Chapter led by María Fernanda Haskour Zaín. This chapter is expected to continue promoting Human Dignity as well as the expansion of WYA in the region. Meet María Fernanda! María Fernanda Haskour Zain is a lawyer who […]

What does it take to be a Human Dignity Defender?

[su_tabs active=”2″][su_tab title=”English”] What does it take to be a human dignity defender? A question you surely have asked yourself already at some point while being involved in one of WYA’s initiatives- Certified Training Program, Advocacy Academy, Emerging Leader Conference etc. The dignity of the human person is not only a fundamental right in itself […]

Coming Together with Human Dignity

[su_tabs active=”2″][su_tab title=”English”] At the recently held Training for Defenders of Human Dignity, Croatia surprised us with its results. Young Croats are one of the most numerous organizations in the field of human rights and youth policy at the World Youth Alliance. Young people from Europe are pleasantly surprised and proud of all the projects […]

WYA Latin America Welcomes Chapter Leaders from Venezuela

World Youth Alliance Latin America is pleased to announce the launch of the WYA Venezuela Chapter, led by María Laura Hernández and Sofía Guillen, both certified members with excellent results. This new Chapter is expected to continue promoting Human Dignity as well as the expansion of WYA in the region. Meet María Laura! María Laura […]