My name is Nashon Nyamolo living in a still developing country called Kenya in the African Continent. I have just finished Track A training and would like to appreciate the WYA for coming up with this noble idea which to me has all the necessary tools one needs in a society.
This training has offered me a life opportunity to identify myself and also to recognize and respect the values of other people. It is important that we learn how to live in harmony with our neighbors irrespective of the diverse ethnic, religious, political, economic backgrounds This is only achievable when we recognize that the intrinsic dignity of the person is the foundation of every human right. I believe that the moment people learn to reason together for common goal, then the society will always have room for development other than wasting time and resources in peace-keeping related matters. The training has enabled me to play an important role of a peacemaker and also to help other people to be responsible in their communities by offering good stewardship towards their and other peoples’ welfare. I therefore call upon all other youths in the rest part of the world to join this training in order to be the ambassadors of peace for their countries since through this you have the best tools to tackle such challenges.
Paul Kiprotich
Track A training has been quiet interesting and challenging. It has given me more insight on the many diverse issues facing humanity in the current world and through its teaching hope to assist make my society a better place to live.
The whole Track A gives focus to the daily happenings in our day today lives and has addressed the most challenging issues in our society. It is to my wish that the young people can actually have time to read through these articles and spare time to address the issues with in their locality.
Our leaders are taking of fulfilling the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. It is so unfortunate that they are talking about the issues affecting the common person in the society yet in real sense the individuals in the society aren’t aware of the MDGs. I call upon the WYA to disseminate the information to the young people when introducing the Alliance for them to have an idea on these issues.
The interesting topics during my training were Core Ideas, UN Conferences, MDGS, the Solidarity Decade, Reading Lolita in Tehran, Man’s Search for Meaning and Man and the State.
The courage, determination, hope and the dedication of the characters’ lives to the creator has made everything possible in their struggle or recognition of the human person. I believe that we will be able to emulate them as we struggle to change our societies and when we are unable to change a situation, we are then challenged to change ourselves.
Finally, I would like to express my sincerity in a special way to World Youth Alliance Africa staff for giving me the chance to be part of the Alliance as an Intern as well as a member. Thank you for the many things we have been able to share both in the office and the field. You’ve made the Alliance a home for me and I am proud of you.
Christopher Gwom
Christopher Choji Gwom is now the Executive President of the promotional Talent Club (PTC) a youth non- governmental organization based in Jos, Nigeria. He also heads his own Media outfit: Talent House Entertainment Bureau.
He is very devoted youth activities and loves to volunteer his time and skills with Youngsters Foundation, British Council and other development agencies such as Danish Youth Impact mission with which he volunteers to teach prison inmates some basic skills in microenterprise.
“The World Youth Alliance Track A training is one of the most important and fulfilling experiences in my life. To me it was like getting a university degree. I am grateful to God for this special privilege.
This training had helped me broaden the scope of my musical message both as an artist and activist. Now I focus on human dignity as the central issue on which all the others lie. It is also helping me in articulating my conviction to others as a champion of human dignity.
My favorite articles were Letter to Artist and Centissimus Annus – by Pope John Paul II. This is because I am an artist and a writer and these articles are like “Call up” Letters challenging me to take up the fight and occupy my place in this intellectual revolution using my artistic talent to communicate the universal truth, which upholds human dignity as the foundation of all human rights.
I strongly believe that the ideas in Track A are quite substantial as tools for changing the world because if the World is to change there has to be a ‘mental shift’ from false ideologies and practices based on untrue concepts of the nature of the human person. The ideas in Track A are very critical tools in winning the battle for the minds of men.
I believe that the best way for me to apply these ideas in my life is to strive to live my Christian life correctly in accordance to my Catholic faith and in my work place by treating all people in a just and dignified way that is consummate to their dignity. Also by standing against injustice and speaking out in defense of the human dignity just as I had done on the recently concluded Nigerian International Youth Summit in Abuja February 26th to 27th 2007, where I advocate for basic welfare package for young up coming performing artists by focusing my argument on the dignity of the Artist as a person. I was able to gain the support of a majority therby expanding my call for Solidarity for, the dignity of the artist.”
The ideas in Track A have really helped me to face daily challenges with courage and determination cause now am aware that the solution of any problem lies in the problem itself and its be defining the problem in the most sincere manner that a concrete solution can be achieved. The ideas have also played a vital role in enabling me know that every individual regardless of racial, religious or social background is in possession of an intrinsic dignity that begins at conception and ends the day he/she dies and no human person can give or take that dignity. I can also comfortably exercise my genuine freedom by the gift of myself to others through the experience of love.
My favorite article was on AZAR NAFISI FROM READING LOLITA IN TEHRAN because it made me understand the dangers of being obsessed with one dream – Nafisi tries to show that it is good to have a dream but it is very dangerous to be obsessed to it because you may fail to define reality as it is thus tend to choose any given means whether good or evil to actualize your dream. Failing to accept reality jeopardizes the dream that we have because the means of actualizing the dream lies in accepting the reality of the situation at hand.
I believe that TRACK ‘A’ IS A SUBSTANTIAL TOOL to change the world because it helps me know that am in possession of an intrinsic dignity that no human community can grant or rescind it and due to that I have great respect of myself and others as well. If everyone in the world could be aware of this I think and believe that this world would be a better and more peaceful place that all of us regardless of religion, economic or racial background would comfortable call it HOME
For me ,Track A has been an imaginable and life changing experience. I love reading and when I stared reading Track A, I thought it was just like the novels I read for enjoyment. I was not prepared for the effect the articles would have in my life.
Reading of Track A has opened my eyes to the plight of suffering in my society, and the world at large. It has showed me the way, somehow, people worldwide are the same in one way or the other It has taught me to stop thinking only about myself and instead, think about how I can use my life to help other people.
My favorite article was the Luis Barragan speech, Reading Loita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi and Victor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning.
There are things that happen in our lives that were indifferent to yet they happen, whether secretly or openly. Even though we pretend not notice, they are there. The injustices in society and that are what we as the members of the Alliance should speak up and demand for change in society.
I am just hoping that the other interns, who will undertake this training, will experience change, in positive way. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be trained in World Youth Alliance.