It’s New York and it’s 29 degrees outside. A group of young people sit hunched around the table, negotiating the final tweaks to WYA’s latest
declaration on sustainable development.
Over the last four days, we’ve listened, debated and absorbed numerous issues relating to the three pillars of sustainable development; economic, social and environmental. From scientific explanations, to economic and environmental statistics and personal experience, we’ve heard the experts give their professional arguments that place the person at the centre of this topical debate.
As European representatives to WYA’s International Solidarity Forum (ISF) delegation, we’ve realised just how much our European identity influences our perspective on sustainable development. We view it as a concept, as opposed to a day-to-day reality in other parts of the world and we’ve learnt just how much our world’s greatest resource is the human person.
So thank you to all the exceptional speakers and the incredible young delegates who joined us on this journey, sharing their enthusiasm, convictions and ability to compromise in order to produce a comprehensive one-page declaration.
Who would have realised just how much an group of 30 young people can achieve in four days when united in solidarity and a shared conviction that truly represents WYA’ stance that promotes the flourishing of the human person in building a sustainable world.
We look forward to sharing this fantastic experience with you young Europeans at the upcoming Emerging Leader’s Conference in May which will explain the importance and role of a person-centred approach to sustainable development. WYA’s newly officialized Declaration on Sustainable Developmeny will be published soon on our wbsite, please check out this page!
Cookie & Suzy
WYA Europe interns
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