El Martes dio inicio la Comisión Para el Desarrollo Social en la ONU en Nueva York; a ella hemos ido todo un contingente de miembros WYA de las sies regiones: Stephanie de Francia, Frank de Filipinas, Shannon, Philip, Peggy, Becky, Casey, Kelly, Kelly K., de Norte America, Tessy de Africa, Zeina del Libano y yo de El Salvador. Abajo adjunto el blog post de Philip sobre su primer día en la ONU.
– February 4, 2009
Today we attended the Commission on Social Development (CSD) at the United Nations. It was quite exciting with much debate, formally and informally. Many were reconnected with old friends, delegates and representatives. Today was a largely successful start to the upcoming two-week commission.
Specifically in regard to the Latin American Community, a representative from the Rio Group of Mexico participated. Essentially, this presentation was focused (as were the great majority of the presentations) on the world and the concern of the worsening economic crisis and what the United Nations and the CSD should do in response and to aid. It was fascinating to hear the different presentations from countries such as Mexico, Italy, the Czech Republic, and many more, and get their individual takes on mostly the same situations around the world.
Personally, I loved today. The part before lunch (10 am – 1 pm) was particularly fascinating because we heard from specific representatives from countries. The latter part of the day after lunch (3 pm – 6 pm) was also excellent but it was a panel discussion. Again, both were excellent, but I personally preferred the first part of the day.
In conclusion, it was such an exciting experience to simply be apart of this momentous day and actually be there for the start of the Commission on Social Development. Again, it was successful and I look forward to the upcoming two weeks and everything they have in store.
Philip D. Waggoner