FEMM Keeps Growing in Croatia in 2020


During the year of 2020, the whole world struggled with the pandemic situation. The Fertility Education and Medical Management (FEMM) Croatia team decided to give a chance to FEMM Online teaching. First, we created FEMM Croatia Facebook and Instagram page and invited our friends and former FEMM clients to follow. The power of solidarity and communion helped us reach our first followers.


Afterwards, we started the applications for the first FEMM Online sessions and offered a giveaway through our FEMM Croatia social networks. One of our followers got to take part in FEMM Online sessions for free!

Three rounds of FEMM Online, 29 women learn FEMM



The first round of FEMM Online sessions was held in July and August, 9 clients took part. In September and October during the second round of FEMM Online sessions, we again had 9 new clients. Finally, in the last round of FEMM Online, during November and December, 11 clients took part.

Before the FEMM Online sessions, we already held two rounds of FEMM Education live, in person and through them educated 18 women about FEMM. Hence, in 2020, FEMM Croatia had 47 clients! Only one of our FEMM teachers was actively teaching. The rest of the team was supporting the development of FEMM Croatia through creating content for our social networks, and three of them took part in FEMM TTC.

The FEMM Croatia team now counts 9 members, three of them are certificated teachers while one of them is actively teaching. Three of our members are in training and willing to become teachers, the rest of them will enroll in the TTC during 2021.

We have many exciting plans for the year 2021 and are looking forward to it. For starters, a new round of FEMM Online will be held in January. The applications are going to start soon, stay tuned!

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Published: January 11, 2021
Written by Lea Potočar – a WYA Croatia/FEMM Croatia member

Fertility Education and Medical Management (FEMM) is WYA’s sister organization. FEMM helps WYA promote programs that empower women in making informed decisions about their health. WYA Chapters, like WYA Croatia, can choose to promote FEMM as one of their key projects. Follow them on Instagram for more updates. 

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