“FEMM Teacher Training Course na Malti”
Last September 26-27,2015, the core team of FEMM, Ms. Anna and Judy Halpine held a FEMM teacher training course in Malta. Silvija Šijak shares her story and her key takeaways of human dignity and her fellow Maltese women.
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Even before becoming a WYA member, I was already interesteded in programmes such as FEMM. However, after the ELC at Bruxelles where I found out more about the programme and started reading the White Paper I knew this was something that I had to be a part of. I didn’t even know how soon my wish would come true. That’s why I was very surprised and happy when my WYA collegues contacted me, about a month ago, and told me about the FEMM Teacher Training Course in Malta which I should apply to. Although uncertain about everything and with hundreds of questions running through my head, I decided to participate in it and I must say that I don’t regret it at all.
I went to Malta with a future WYA colleague with a wish that we both would get quality knowledge that would help us become FEMM Teachers. The moment we got out of the plane we felt the warmth of the south sun, which was much more pleasant then rainy Zagreb where our journey began. That’s why we had no problem adapting to the new weather conditions. Before the beginning of the course we had an opportunity to get to know the historical core of Valletta, the capital city of Malta. Its old, giant walls witness about the great history of the city. Namely, Valletta defended Europe against the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century and it suffered severe destruction during the Second World War. In addition to the sun, the warmth and friendliness of Maltese was even more noticeable, especially through the hospitality of the course organizer, Miriam Sciberras.
The Course was held by Anna and Judy Halpine so we had an opportunity to meet them as well. FEMM education lasted most of the day but time flew by for the course had been very interesting and comprehensible. It is truly something that every woman can manage. The first day we talked about understanding our body and its biomarkers as well as the cycle. The second part was about family planning and history of the methods. The second day was mainly composed of case studies, practical assignments and Teen FEMM. A special and last part of the course was a short intro to the MM part of the acronym FEMM, that is to Medical Management. Through this course I have realized even more that this programme is very valuable and that every woman should and has the right to be an informed participant in her healthcare. I also appreciate this programme as a WYA member because I believe that it can help women to realize, or even rediscover their dignity through their nature and complexity that needs to be appreciated. I appreciate FEMM because of its respect to the woman’s body, the way it works and the way it does not try to suppress the nature by using artificial substances.
Shortly, for me this Course will stay in good memory. I’m coming home with hope and a great wish that FEMM, which in Croatia is still in its infancy, grows into something really big. To make that possible a lot of learning and practical homework still awaits for us. It will help us to finally be certified FEMM Teachers, who will introduce people with this precious programme, which respects women and their dignity.
Written by. Silvija Šijak, Croatian chapter member
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I prije no što sam ušla u World Youth Alliance zanimali su me programi poput FEMM-a, a kad sam otišla na ELC u Bruxelles i saznala više o njemu te počela čitati White Paper znala sam da je to nešto u čemu moram sudjelovati. Nisam ni znala koliko će se to brzo i dogoditi. Na moje veliko iznenađenje i oduševljenje prije kojih mjesec dana kolege iz WYA-e su me kontaktirali i rekli mi za FEMM Teacher Training Course koji se trebao održati na Malti i na koji bih se mogla prijaviti. Iako pomalo nesigurna oko svega zbog sto pitanja koja su mi se vrtjela u glavi, na kraju sam se odlučila prijaviti i mogu reći da nisam nimalo požalila.
Tako sam s jednom budućom članicom Svjetskog saveza mladih krenula na put za Maltu sa željom da obje dobijemo kvalitetno znanje pomoću kojeg ćemo postati FEMM edukatorice. Čim smo sletjele, osjetile smo toplinu južnog sunca koje je u tom trenu bilo puno ugodnije od kišnog Zagreba iz kojeg smo krenule pa nam nije bio problem prilagoditi se :). Po dolasku, prije početka same edukacije, imale smo priliku upoznati staru jezgru glavnog grada Vallette koji velikim bedemima svjedoči o povijesti toga grada. Naime, Valletta je u 16. stoljeću branila Europu od osmanskih prodora, a kroz Drugi svjetski rat je pretrpjela teška razaranja. Osim topline sunca još nam se više očitovala toplina i druželjubivost tamošnjih stanovnika, što smo posebno osjetile kroz gostoljubivost organizatorice događaja, Miriam Sciberras.
Edukaciju su održavale Anna i Judy Halpine tako da smo i njih imale priliku upoznati. Većinu dana nam je zauzela edukacija, no vrijeme je brzo proteklo zbog zanimljivosti i razumljivosti programa kojeg, uistinu, svaka žena može primijeniti. Prvi dan edukacije bio je vezan uz razumijevanje svoga tijela i njegovih biomarkera, razumijevanje ženskog ciklusa te planiranje obitelji i metode planiranja kroz povijest dok se drugi dan ticao praktičnijih zadataka te Teen FEMM-a, a posebnost je bila kratak uvod u onaj MM dio u kratici FEMM, tj. Medical Management. Uvidjela sam kako je ovaj program stvarno vrijedan jer svaka žena treba i ima pravo biti informirani sudionik u brizi oko svog reproduktivnog zdravlja. Cijenim ga i kao članica Svjetskog saveza mladih upravo zbog toga jer ženama može pomoći da uvide ili čak ponovno otkriju svoje dostojanstvo, koje se pokazuje kroz njihovu prirodu i kompleksnost koju treba cijeniti. Cijenim ga jer poštuje njihovo tijelo i način na koji ono funkcionira i ne pokušava umjetnim sredstvima potisnuti ono što mu je prirodno.
Da ne duljim, edukacija će mi ostati u dobrom sjećanju i vraćam se kući s nadom i velikom željom da FEMM, koji je kod nas još u povojima, izraste u nešto stvarno veliko. Kako bi to bilo moguće, sada nas čeka još puno učenja i vježbi kako bismo napokon postale certificirane edukatorice i upoznale druge s ovim hvalevrijednim programom koji nesumnjivo poštuje ženu i njeno dostojanstvo.
Written by. Silvija Šijak, Croatian chapter member