Inspiration at the WYA Europe Emerging Leaders Conference


IMG_5679Brussels is not just a beautiful city for tourists; it is a city where you can smell the European dream, no matter who you are.  As the capital of the European Union, Brussels is proof of the desire for peace that European citizens have held inside them since the Second World War ended. Today, Europeans citizens hold other wishes for a political union, for increased cultural integration, among many. Moreover, if you belong to WYA and believe in the intrinsic dignity and inviolable worth of the person, then you might very well wish to change the world.

At the WYA Europe Emerging Leaders Conference, I was astonished when I arrived at the European Parliament and was introduced to other WYA members: there were different people from many different parts of the world. There were French, Croatian, Polish, German people… It was amazing to realize that my wish of defending human dignity was shared so intensely with so many parts of the world.

On the first intervention of the WYA Europe Emerging Leaders Conference, I witnessed the meeting of the objective, moral values which I share with my WYA mates, and the values which some people from other countries have.

The Emerging Leaders Conference was exciting because I met so many people whom I share the same values and objectives with: working and fighting for human dignity. Inspiring speakers and politicians also engaged with WYA’s struggle and our mission, including: Dania Tondini from AVSI, Andreas Widmer from Catholic University of America, Maurius Wanders from World Vision Brussels, and Gay Mitchell, a Member of the European Parliament.

At the Europe Emerging Leaders Conference, I witnessed how much practical impact an NGO can have on people’s quality of life. I believe even more strongly now in what WYA stands for and I am looking forward to becoming an even more active member in defending human dignity all over the world.

By Roberto, a WYA Emerging Leaders Conference participant from Spain

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