Full names: GASIGA KWIZERA Isaac
Country: BURUNDI
Most of our countries are always characterized by the non respect of life and violation of the
dignity of the human person. The violence in most African countries is an example of the violation of the dignity of the human person.
When I was growing up, my parents always educated me that life is sacred, that no one has the right to remove or make life difficult for our neighbors. I believe firmly in this principle but I am conscious that just believing is not sufficient. What matters now is to ensure this principle is believed and practised by a large number of people. It is necessary to understand deeply what life is and what human dignity is.
The World Youth Alliance gave me an opportunity to deepen these convictions and to enter in contact with other people who share the same vision. I am convinced that the effort of the organization will contribute to change young people in our countries where respect of life, rights and one’s own dignity is taken for granted.
The TRACK A training became a source of knowledge and inspiration for the questions of human rights and human dignity.
Nationality: RWANDAN
Current Occupation: Student at Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
Email: kaboss44@yahoo.ca hbosco@gmail.com
Interests: Development of my country, Region as well as the entire World. I’m interested in giving rather than receiving. I like reading/listening to truth-seeking stories and in general, I love to work.
What attracted me to the WYA: From my understanding and interpretation of the work of the WYA, I was attracted by their (WYA) passion for the youth who are capable of transforming today’s generation into an able future generation in terms of thinking deeply on their role in development and the environment around them. Therefore the work of World Youth Alliance in promoting the Dignity of the Human Person through the youth first, has motivated me to become part of this global initiative.
Name: Emmanuel Bahati Bahemba
Current School: Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL)/GOMA
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Email: bahatibahe@yahoo.fr
Responsibility: WYA Committee member in Goma
It saddens me to see so many injustices in my Country such as war, bad governance, poverty and disease such as HIV/AIDS. I have been asking myself what contribution I can make to help people in my community especially the youth. This is why I joined WYA as it gave me an opportunity to be the change I want to see in my country. The emphasis of Human Dignity gave me hope to try and help how we can solve the problems facing our people.
Name: Mutsa Murenje
Country: Zimbabwe
Email: mutsakerry@yahoo.com
Project: Speer Headed the first Director’s visit in Harare ( July 2007)
Currently a Commitee member of WYA in Harare
I hold a Bachelor of Social Work Honors Degree in the Upper Second Division (2.1) from the University of Zimbabwe. I am especially interested in writing, reading, debating and public speaking.
I was attracted to WYA because of the emphasis that the organization puts on the dignity of the human person. As a professionally trained social worker I am largely influenced by the values of human dignity and worth, social justice, service to humanity, integrity and competence. For this reason, I realized that I would immensely benefit from my association with WYA. My association with WYA provides me with an excellent opportunity for personal and professional development, learning and access to the broad spectrum of expertise in the field.
I was currently offered a scholarship by the University of East Anglia (UK) to read for an MA in Conflict, Governance and International Development and I am strongly convinced that my relationship with WYA made a monumental contribution to this scholarship. I wanted to be an active participant in societal processes and decisions and as a result, I had to look for a like-minded organization and WYA is one such.
Personally I write articles for newspapers and websites about the inherent dignity of the human person and have also encouraged other young people who share the values, beliefs and similar convictions. This is what we are doing at the moment as WYA team in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Full Names: Johnstone Juma Simiyu
Country: Kenya
Email: johnstone.wyaa@gmail.com
Interests: Diplomatic field, Politics, Religion and Sports especially Soccer and Rugby.
Project: Speer Headed the first WYA Introductory visit in Bungoma Kenya
I have a dream, said Martin Luther King, I also had one!, I had for a long time developed a very strong passion towards the young people and more so the very great potential that lies within them. This passion triggered me to finding ways through which I could have a forum whereby I could join fellow young people in sharing our diverse views on issues that concern us as young people. I shared this with a few of my friends and and after lengthy discussions and consultations we formed a youth community based organization called Bungoma Youth Empowerment Programme, and having been the initiator I was elected the chairperson and given the mandate to foresee the running of the organization of which I chair up to date.
This then made me advance my vision and hence started developing links with other youth based organizations. There came one day and through the state radio I heard an interview whereby the Regional Director of Operations for Africa, Miss Esther Kanyi and other young people were talking about WYA. After the interview I was so touched and I knew this was the right organization to team up with. Immediately I signed up as a Member that was in February 2006. I later applied for the regional internship and was accepted in May to August 2007. I enrolled for Track A training of which I completed and was accredited in June 2007. I proceeded with Track B training and completed at the fall of 2007.
In all this time I have attained great expertise especially having undergone through an elaborate training that the Alliance offers and more so concerning the dignity of the human person. WYA has enabled me attain greater heights of personal and holistic development.
Name: Teresa Kweyu Omina
Nickname: Tessy
Email: tessy.wyaa@gmail.com
Country: Kenya
Interests: soccer, cooking, reading, socializing, poetry, movies
I like to do anything that involves young people and that is what attracted me to WYA. I met Winnie, the former director of WYA Africa region in 2006. She told me about the organization and I decided to join because I liked and agreed with the principles of WYA charter. I applied for internship and was accepted. I now know that is one of the best choices I have ever made in my life. I enjoy being a member of an organization that is full of young people who are so full of life and are determined to change the world in a positive way. I have learnt a lot about the human person from WYA and on top of that I have made a lot of friends from al over the world.
The beauty of life comes from experiencing it. This is how WYA makes me feel