“Attending WYA ISC was a life changing experience. I learned so much and everything that I expected was fulfilled. I left with new ideas, a new vision and motivation to change the world.”
– Beatriz, Portugal
It’s been a sunny summer at World Youth Alliance and a busy world at our WYA townhouse. We have just concluded our 8th Annual International Summer Camp, bringing together twenty bright young leaders from all six of our WYA regions: Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and North America!
Young people of diverse nationalities and cultures joined us in inhabiting every square inch of the WYA house, talking, laughing, singing and (sometimes) sleeping. Turning office desks in to one extended dining table and building a campfire out of cardboard, WYA embodied what it advocates: human creativity is the world’s greatest resource.
With presentations and discussions each day on topics ranging from dignity, freedom, and solidarity, to population, development and health, campers quickly became articulate defenders of the intrinsic, inalienable value of life. Testing out these ideas in WYA Jeopardy, twenty young contestants showed that they are ready to be leaders in the game of life; understanding that “What is dignity?” is not only the answer but also the question at the heart of WYA, changing the way we view the world and ourselves.
You can read testimonials from this year’s campers and check out the photo album from WYA ISC 2015, below.
“The WYA ISC is the best adventure I’ve ever been part of. I learned a lot about human dignity, freedom and solidarity, but mostly about myself. I am so thankful for WYA. I now have friends from all over the globe with whom I share the beauty of the human person.”
– Nour, Tunisia“WYA ISC is not a typical summer camp. It is a life-enriching and life-changing experience everyone needs to get involved in.”
– Faricka, Sint Maarten“The WYA ISC is one camp that is enriching holistically, physically, intellectually, socially and experientially. Given the chance, I will take part in this camp again! I am more than willing to bring back all the new things I’ve learned to my community.”
– Christian, Philippines