Empowering the Next Generation: Women’s Health in the Spotlight at ELC 2024

From the 4th to the 7th of November, 2024, World Youth Alliance Europe hosted this year’s Emerging Leaders Conference in Brussels, Belgium. The topic of the event was Empowering by Educating: Training on Women’s Reproductive and Mental Health and Rights. It was part of the project called Women’s Health Goes Digital funded by the European […]
Recepción virtual de WYA: Celebrando el pensamiento crítico y la alfabetización mediática

La World Youth Alliance (WYA) se complace en invitarte a una recepción especial en línea para el evento Intercambios Virtuales: Pensamiento Crítico y Alfabetización Mediática, que se llevará a cabo el 1 de diciembre de 2024 a las 15:30. Este encuentro celebrará las contribuciones de más de 110 jóvenes participantes y expertos internacionales que participaron […]
WYA España extiende inscripciones para el evento Intercambios virtuales: Pensamiento crítico y alfabetización mediática

La World Youth Alliance España (WYA) se complace en anunciar la extensión de inscripciones para el evento Intercambios Virtuales: Pensamiento Crítico y Alfabetización Mediática, que se llevará a cabo en línea los días 30 de noviembre y 1 de diciembre de 2024. Este evento forma parte del amplio proyecto de Intercambios Virtuales, financiado por el […]
My Journey with World Youth Alliance Ethiopia

A New WYA Chapter in Ethiopia and at the African Union I first came across the World Youth Alliance through a newsletter I signed up for. From the very beginning, I was drawn to WYA’s work and mission. The way WYA promotes human dignity, especially under the leadership of passionate and committed young people, deeply […]
Global Advocacy Fellows Advance WYA’s Mission on the World Stage

The WYA Mission Requires Deep Training in Advocacy On October 28th, our global advocacy fellowship program officially launched, bringing together an exceptional group of fellows from across the world to New York City. This marked the beginning of a new journey, as our fellows gathered for an intensive training session designed to equip them with […]
WYA welcomes Italy’s landmark decision to ban surrogacy

Are Children for Sale? By its Decision to Ban Surrogacy, Italy Declares No! On Wednesday, October 16th, the Italian Senate took a decisive step by totally banning surrogacy and thus upholding the dignity of human life and the rights of children. The World Youth Alliance applauds Italy on this pivotal decision, which not only reinforces […]
What Is a Free and Just Society?

On November 8-9, WYA will host the 13th Asia Pacific Emerging Leaders Conference. This year’s Asia Pacific ELC will center around the theme, “Dignity Unbound: Emerging Leaders for a Free and Just Society.” Participants will discuss how to build a society that is genuinely free and just for all. But what does a free and […]
Supporting Celsus Talifilu and Daniel Suidani: Defenders of Democracy in the Solomon Islands

In April 2023, the World Youth Alliance team had the privilege to meet Celsus Talifilu and Daniel Suidani, public officials from the Solomon Islands, during their last visit to the United States. Both men are on the frontlines of defending democracy in the Solomon Islands, fighting against the growing influence of the Chinese Communist Party. […]
Here’s what Sexual and Real Reproductive Health Looks Like

What True Sexual and Reproductive Health Looks Like In November, young men and women will converge in Brussels, Belgium for the 13th WYA Europe Emerging Leaders Conference. This year’s focus will be “Empowering by Educating: Training on Women’s Reproductive and Mental Health and Rights.” Through a series of discussions, workshops, and lectures, participants will delve into crucial […]
El Aborto en Colombia: en Contra del Derecho a la Vida

La historia de Amilia Taylor es una historia única e irrepetible. Amilia Taylor es una bebé americana, nacida en la semana 22 de gestación. A pesar de su prematuro nacimiento, Amilia era una bebé completamente formada, y hoy en día, con 16 años de edad, Amilia Taylor es una joven sana, que vive como cualquier […]