Everything is possible, be not afraid!

Have you ever thought how wonderful it would be to create a change, a positive impact? I am sure you did. Or at least you noticed one thing that annoys you, then you were aware of the solution and then immediately thought how change is impossible. You know what? So did I. Until I met […]
Winter is Coming, Build an Ark! (Ways the Bold and Brave can Give Back to WYA Europe this Holiday)

For some time now I have the impression that the winter is coming in Europe. And when I think about it, I feel the seriousness of this sentence in a similar manner Ned Stark does in the Game of Thrones series. I mean here in the intellectual and spiritual winter, not the physical one, of […]
The Gents Glembays

Gospoda Glembajevi [tabs] [tab title=”Hrvatski”] Gledalište je prepuno, s mnogim sumnjama i neizvjesnostima iščekuje se nadolazeća predstava uprizorena prema djelu „Gospoda Glembajevi“, jednom od najvećih klasika hrvatske književnosti 20. stoljeća. Cijelo Hrvatsko narodno kazalište zauzeli su mladi srednjoškolci u pratnji svojih profesora, što je posebno lijep prizor s obzirom na opće zaziranje mladih od kulturnih […]