Everything is possible, be not afraid!

Have you ever thought how wonderful it would be to create a change, a positive impact? I am sure you did. Or at least you noticed one thing that annoys you, then you were aware of the solution and then immediately thought how change is impossible. You know what? So did I. Until I met […]
Freedom of expression in Europe – Who draws the line?

On Wednesday 16th of May, World Youth Alliance Europe attended the Forum “Freedom of expression in Europe – Who draws the line?” organized by EURACTIV. During this panel discussion, the speakers addressed many issues related to the right of freedom of expression and debated the definition of Hate Speech with its legal, ethical and social […]
Dangers of childhood in the digital age

22nd of February 2018 (Thursday), Brussels, Belgium – The European Parliament held a workshop on the protection of minors in the digital age. The three main topics brought on the table were defining the problem of child safety online, the solutions and policy dilemmas, and finally, the recommendations for EU policy developments on protecting minors […]
WYA Europe Hosts 2017 ELC on Migration and Development

“The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety”, said once Felix Mendelssohn, an artist from the 19th century. This year’s ELC was a stark example of such a statement. Young people from all over Europe and beyond gathered to give their contribution to the issue of migration currently affecting the world. What harmonized a […]
Wings For Change: Children in the Refugee Crisis

Wise men say you learn something new every day if you pay attention. I’m sure everyone would agree, but then it’s hard to actually acknowledge the new things you absorb each and every day that makes you richer. Last Wednesday, though, I met a group of very special people that made me pay attention. They […]
Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in the European Migrant Crisis

Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in the European Migrant Crisis have been the principal victims not only of abuse back in their countries and during their dangerous displacements but also, and sadly, of neglect and violence in Europe by our bureaucratic systems and law enforcers, as well as common citizens. WYA Europe interns had the opportunity to […]
Lessons from the 2017 European Arts Forum

What is beauty? This is the question that the European Arts Forum (EAF) attempts to answer. Beauty is seeing clearly into each other with a complete respect for each other’s dignity and I can truly relate to this belief that EAF holds. After working on EAF for two and a half months, I was exhausted […]
How will the Mexico City Policy affect women in developing countries?

U.S. President Donald Trump signed a presidential memorandum on 23 January 2017 that prohibits organizations promoting abortion through advocacy, abortion counseling, or referrals from receiving U.S. development funding. In response, many have claimed that women’s health and well-being will be harmed, as many organizations that promote abortion also provide less controversial services. Numerous large international […]
WYA attends hearing on “Child sexual abuse and exploitation online and offline: time to act”

The European Parliament is examining a directive which it and the Council adopted in 2011, Directive 2011/93/EU on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. The directive covers the prosecution of offenders, the protection of child victims, and the prevention of the phenomenon. The European Parliament is evaluating this directive […]
Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day in the European Parliament

Responsibility and a good team are the most important requirements once you have to work on a project. These were, without any doubt, included into the requirements of the Down syndrome campaign that was organized by the World Youth Alliance Europe. I have something more to add to these requirements, something that I discovered myself […]