This fall I have been attending meetings of the Working Group on Girls, (WGG) an organization made of up of all sorts of women representing different NGOs that all advocate for girls’ rights.
World Youth Alliance strives to protect and promote the dignity of every person, particularly those whose dignity is systematically ignored and abused. At WGG, we research topics that impact girls directly and present our research and recommendations to state delegations, in an effort to make girls continually “visible” during UN proceedings.
One of the Working Group’s primary goals is to encourage girls’ participation in matters concerning them and their communities.
At our November meeting, five high school girls came to talk about how they are working on behalf of youth rights in their respective schools and towns.
In October, Dorchen Leidholdt, the director of the Center for Battered Women’s Legal Services at Sanctuary for Families, spoke about her efforts to protect women who had been trafficked into New York.
I’ve learned so much at the Working Group and look forward to continuing to represent World Youth Alliance at WGG for the rest of my internship!
Amy Secrest – United States