After a month a hassle, further registration problems, two busted knee’s, two cops, being rip off by a taxi driver from the airport, and getting lost at the Banamex Centre Shannon, Theo and I finally have our conference badges for the AIDS conference. It honestly felt like some form of obstacle course to get to a place twenty minutes from the WYA house.
-Hassle full registration process: AIDS conference has the most simple looking complicated burocratic system of registration….enough on this account and anyone who has experienced burocratic idiocy will understand why.
-Two busted knees: I managed to hurt my knees, falling over Shannon´s suitcase while closing a window and am now incapable of walking normally.
– There are two taxi services from the Mexican international airport….yes there actually are….no I had no idea and yes I payed 200 mexican pesos more…just so you know if you are ever in Mexico don´t take Portotaxi.
– Two cops: we were rushing to the Banamex Center for registration Tlama (intern driving us there) got pull over by some cops wanting a bribe with the excuse that he had polarized windows. He got two infractions instead because he refused to pay up (all part of the Mexican experience).
-Lost in the Banamex Center: Tlama droped us off where he best could and since we honestly had no idea where the registration was we wondered around, asked some unhelpful volunteer until we found the right place.
Now we are hanging out at the house, taking advantage of the day before the Conference begins…