by Rhea Carmelotes Yray
Member, WYA Philippines – Cebu
World Youth Alliance (WYA) is one of the greatest blessings that poured down to the young people here in Cebu- “the Queen City of the South”. As one of the active chapters in the Philippines, World Youth Alliance- Cebu helped in making these young Cebuanos to grow and realize the value and importance of human dignity through developing their potentials, talents and capabilities.
As a member of WYA here in Cebu, I am so proud and thankful that we, young Cebuanos are already aware and are conscious of the realities and happenings in the status quo; realized the importance of human dignity as the foundation of human rights; respect each other’s views; educating other youth; serving others and develop our skills through incorporating in our training our abilities and expertise in different fields of endeavour, all of these are empowered and made easy through WYA.
As far as my training is concerned, WYA has made a great impact in my life, as a Filipino youth and as a young member of the society. Moreover, WYA is very relevant for me as it is one of the major avenues for me to relate and broaden my knowledge regarding historical events, international issues and global concerns, which are among the focus of my chosen field- Political Science. Moreover, WYA helped me to analyze the changing events in world politics, developed my knowledge regarding the different ideologies and principles that emerged in the history, widen my scope in looking at the progress of international organizations, and helped me to address and apply my learnings. This is also the reason behind the eagerness of my colleagues in the University of the Philippines to become a part of World Youth Alliance as I introduced and told them about World Youth Alliance’s advocacies. I enjoyed my training in WYA very much, as it grounded me to a lot of important realizations of my value as a human person, respecting others and living my life as a responsible youth. Furthermore, my training in WYA helped me to grow with commitment, patience and on how to value my time. I am very much grateful to have and be a part of WYA in Cebu.
A very important event that highlighted WYA Cebu was last July 20, 2009 when Ms. Mary Halpine, (WYA President) and Ms. Renelyn Tan (WYA Asia Pacific Director) visited WYA Cebu. During their visit, WYA Cebu team (Ms. Charrise Piramide, Mr. Mark Chang, Ms. Tiny and yours truly) with Ms. Mary Halpine and Ms. Renelyn Tan made an introduction session to a class of Mr. Mike Mende in the University of the Philippines- Cebu (UPVCC) as well as a class in the University of San Carlos (USC). Moreover, the whole-day visit of the President is not complete without visiting the Gawad Kalinga site in Budlaan, Talamban here in Cebu, wherein WYA Cebu considers it as one of the important sites for our projects and immersion; helping and taking part in building communities and homes for our less fortunate Cebuano brothers and sisters. The day was also an important event for WYA Cebu to introduce the President to our culture, beliefs, historical and captivating sites.
With the strong support of World Youth Alliance Asia Pacific and other chapters in World Youth Alliance- Philippines, WYA Cebu looks forward to inspire more youth and initiate more projects for the young people in Cebu. World Youth Alliance already started to educate young people in the academe and in small communities. I do hope that WYA spirit will continue to grow in Cebu, educating young people, making them wide awake of their worth as human beings and enkindle in them the fire of social responsibility and human development towards a stronger generation.