WYA offers unique opportunities for the youth to prove that there is so much more that you can contribute to the world today. We invite you to join us in our activities:
Some claim that young people are too concerned with materialism. To deepen your understanding of important issues today, enrol yourself in the WYA Certified Training Program and immerse in lessons that will enable you to better appreciate and articulate human dignity in practical ways. Attend our upcoming Viviamo! Talks scheduled monthly from October to December 2010.
Some say that young people are too immersed with their own selves. To share your time and knowledge with youth who need you most, become a Sulong facilitator and make a lasting difference in others’ lives.
Some think that young people have lost their idealism for the world. To make the world listen to your real concerns, talk to your government leaders and give them a glimpse of your dreams for your country. Join the WYA delegation to conferences and activities in the different regions.
Some believe that culture is not an important concern of youth anymore. To remind people that culture is a vital component of our being human, organize a Dignity Project in your school or community. Attend our upcoming i-Faith Talk for 2011 and discover young people who take their faith seriously as an expression of their dignity.
Some doubt the lasting changes that the youth can offer. To show the real alternatives that can come from youth today, bring WYA Asia Pacific to your community through our Introductory Sessions. Tell your friends about WYA and ask them to Sign the Charter!