WYA’s CSW67 Recommendations



  1. Invest in human dignity education. This is foundational to help children to:

    1. develop an understanding of their inestimable worth as persons

    2. develop an understanding of their ability to make a positive impact on their societies

    3. develop an ability to recognize and make responsible choices

    4. develop an attitude of perseverance and resilience in light of life’s challenges. 


An education that promotes mutual respect for human dignity simultaneously affects children’s use of digital technology. It makes it possible for children to understand that communication through the use of screens does not decrease the dignity of the person on the other side, nor create an excuse for that person to be used. Human dignity education makes it possible to educate children to have a healthy relationship with technology by taking a “whole-person” approach.


  1. Take steps to address the ways that technology is used to commodify human beings, in particular women and girls. Member States must take steps to assess and address the social, economic, and health impact of pornography websites, images and videos on their societies. It is important to recognize that women are most often featured in pornographic material. This industry should be evaluated in connection with human trafficking, including child sex-trafficking.  


  1. Leverage technology to improve women’s health care delivery, particularly in the underserved and underfinanced area of women’s endocrine health. Mobile apps and telehealth have made it possible to bring specialized health education and services to more people. We encourage member states to take advantage of existing holistic solutions to women’s health concerns, rather than relying on band-aid solutions. 


  1. Recognize that the push for digital connection, including in rural areas, can undermine human beings’ essential need for leisure and human connection. Though digital technologies are allowing for improved global communication and for greater access to knowledge sources and work opportunities, the digital world will not replace the human need to interact with the physical world and with other human beings in person. This was one of the major lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic.  


  1. Focus on including agreed language from international treaties such as CEDAW, CESCR, CCPR, CRC, CERD, CAT, etc. Drawing from the outcomes of independent fora like Generation Equality, which did not have wide Member State support or representation, undermines national positions, as well as the legitimacy of well-organized and negotiated intergovernmental processes. 


Published: February 22, 2023
Written by Sofia Piecuch, WYA Director of Advocacy

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