What I’ve Learned from the CTP: The True Value of Human Beings

As I wandered around the internet, I stumbled upon the seventeen (17) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of objectives established by the United Nations. The very first among the list is “No Poverty”. After closely examining the SDGs, I have decided to research on the causes of poverty, which included high population growth. I […]

“Oh Yeah! The UN Thing!”

You’re at a party. You may be the proud-but-slightly-stressed-out host; you may be that person in the middle of the room fabulously talking to everyone; or you may be that person petting the host’s dog, happily making a new friend. That person is usually me, and I’ve bonded with many a friend’s pupparoos. Wherever you […]

Wings For Change: Children in the Refugee Crisis

Wise men say you learn something new every day if you pay attention. I’m sure everyone would agree, but then it’s hard to actually acknowledge the new things you absorb each and every day that makes you richer. Last Wednesday, though, I met a group of very special people that made me pay attention. They […]

Reflections on communism: Why was there no Nuremberg for communism?

On October 17th WYAE was present at the conference on ‘Why was there not a Nuremberg for communism?’ hosted by MEP Marek Jurek in the European Parliament. After attending this event, we came up to a conclusion that nazism was a communism’s closest ideological competitor. Ideologies such as nazism and communism rested on variations of […]

Debating Death #5: Meeting End of Life Needs with Palliative Care

In previous articles we have discussed what the social consequences of legalizing euthanasia are and examined why there is no such thing as the “right to die” in international law. Our investigations led us to inevitably conclude that euthanasia is not the adequate solution to the problems of the end of life. This of course […]

The 2017 HLPF Opening: On Healing Otherness

Last July 10-19, 2017, the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. The HLPF is an annual event by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) where countries, relevant UN entities, and other stakeholders convene to focus on the status of specific Sustainable Development Goals […]

2017 International Youth Day: Youth Building Peace

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKJmKH6zFXA] The Division for Social Policy and Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, collaborating with the Inter-agency Network on Youth Development’s Working Group on Youth and Peacebuilding on Friday, 11 August 2017 hosted the International Youth Day 2017 event at the United Nations Headquarters in New York under the theme […]

Seeing Without Sight

Often, there is the misconception that to be disabled means one must be in a wheelchair. This may be attributed due to the universal symbol of accessibility that we so often see today, is of a man in a wheelchair, hence, the assumption.  But what does it really mean to be disabled?

Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in the European Migrant Crisis

Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in the European Migrant Crisis have been the principal victims not only of abuse back in their countries and during their dangerous displacements but also, and sadly, of neglect and violence in Europe by our bureaucratic systems and law enforcers, as well as common citizens. WYA Europe interns had the opportunity to […]

Consequences of Living in a Post-Truth Society

The recent political and news landscape is cause for serious concern, not necessarily because of the policy decisions of the new administration but more of the way they conduct themselves in press interactions and on the internet. Our new president has been caught repeatedly blatantly lying, and it’s reached a point of public desensitization. In […]