Moral Courage Activated

”Wie niet waagt, die niet wint” means ”S/he who does not wager, does not win”. This is a Dutch proverb often used by my grandmother to encourage others, yet far more often to prepare herself for the ‘unpreparable’. When my grandmother, Hendrina Janna van Doorneveld was born, the year was 1922 and her zodiac prediction […]

Interns: The Beating Heart of WYA

Between June and September 2013, the Middle East office of the World Youth Alliance hosted its most successful internship program yet. Bruna, the Director of Operations, and I set out on trying new ways of making the internship program more professional and challenging, while maintaining the fun aspect to it. The results were beyond our […]

Moving Partnerships Forward: LAU

The Lebanese American University (LAU) is the first academic institution that the World Youth Alliance (WYA) partnered with in the Middle East because of their pioneering spirit and willingness to reach out and take risks with partners from across the globe. September 13, 2013 marked another important milestone in the history of LAU as they […]

Summer Camp Series: Youssef Madbouly

“People seek good.” It’s a simple three worded sentence. However, holds so much meaning. It is these three words that changed my perspective on life and the human person. I’ve realized that the human person is indeed and naturally seeking the well being of others around him. I feel that I’ve become more open minded […]

Summer Camp Series: Rokaia Mohammed

My experience in this camp is a collective of lectures, events, conversations, and even lunch hours that open up my eyes everyday on the basic, simple ideas that may sometimes sound radical to others. A simple notion that is the human dignity raised my awareness on the fact that dignity contributes to every single aspect […]

Youth Migration: Challenges and Opportunities

People are on the move every day for various reasons, but some moves are larger and far more filled with risk and danger. Such is case with migration into a new nation for the sake of opportunity and a chance to live. Even more filled with dangers and risks is the move of youth migrants […]

Summer Camp Series: Ahmed Elian

I can certainly say with no hesitation that camp has changed me, for the better obviously. As a kid, I always thought that having a solid, non-changing personality is best. But lately, I’ve been thinking of myself as a blob of clay that still needs to be shaped. I try to embrace change as long […]

Who Is “The Population”?

Every culture perceives birth differently. For some cultures, the birth of a human being is a blessing and the perpetuation of the human race. For others, it’s an indicator of an under-developed country. For some religions, it’s a natural obligation and to try to limit it is a crime. In many cultures today, it is often […]

The Gods of Peace

In the name of God I will murder, conquer, and oppress. This brief phrase summarizes centuries of exploitation and misinterpretation of religious values by oppressors and dictators. A practice that continues to exist in almost every conflict taking place today, regardless of globalization, the spread of education, and the mainstreaming of the international human rights […]

Family and Society

All tall, beautiful, magnificent, and splendid building you have seen and known do not exist in isolation. There is a very strong base upon which they are built and mounted on, and that is what makes them stand. That’s their foundation. Our societies can also be understood in the same way. The on-going developments and […]