This coming May, WYA gives a warm welcome to our new Design and Social Media Associate, Mary Grace Cruz.
Prior to joining WYA, Mary Grace shares her skills in graphic design and photography by being an active volunteer in non-profit organizations that promote holistic formation in young people. As a student, she joined Universitas Foundation to advocate for principled leadership in 2018. In the same year, Universitas and WYA established a partnership, introducing Mary Grace to the Certified Training Program and the Marketing Internship in WYA Headquarters. After returning to finish her studies, she landed her first job as a Marketing Officer in Pet Warehouse and later a Marketing Specialist in Universitas.
“My experience as an intern gave me a voice to speak the language of human dignity and I want to carry that throughout my career in marketing, giving more meaning and purpose to what I see as a business of transforming lives.”
As she returns to WYA as a Design and Social Media Associate, she envisions implementing concrete plans to step up WYA’s social media game that will allow young people to experience what she did as an intern, wherever they may be.
Human Dignity is a common language, but it seems like not everyone recognizes it. “It is my goal to work with the rest of the WYA team to make use of our social media platforms for what it is, a powerful tool! A tool that will encourage young people to carry out what it means to be a dignity defender and reflect it in all aspects of their lives.”
When you’re not seeing her designing, Mary Grace is also fond of drinking coffee, wall climbing and travelling! She recently started to learn the Dutch language with the dream to pursue her masters in The Netherlands in the future.
Welcome to the WYA staff family, Mary Grace!