It’s amazing when I look at how far I have come since I begun with WYA in 2015. I can’t explain how the value of the human person as explained by the intrinsic nature of human dignity continues to become more and more important in my life. WYA continues to instill in me the value of magnanimity as I exercise my freedom for excellence and the great potential that lies in me as I share the gift of self with others. I am grateful and humbled that one of the best things WYA has afforded me is the opportunity to share the WYA values through my life and experiences to young people in Africa who pass through my hands as the current WYA Africa Regional Director.
Every 3 months, I have the opportunity to meet amazing teams of young people through our internship program. They are eager to learn about WYA and be part of sharing WYA’s mission, vision, and values in order to improve themselves and impact others. These young people come with openness and a great desire to do more, and as they go through the WYA training, their values continue to be formed and they become more established in their understanding of the human person.
Every other month, I have the opportunity to be part of a forum, where I either speak for WYA, join a meeting with other young people, or engage in discussions that allow me to build my skills in speaking with others. I am able to share what I know this far from WYA and the experiences that champion for a lived experience within our culture of human dignity.
Every day WYA reminds me to be on the look out for ways to ensure the value of the human person as it remains central in all our conversations, especially in policy and law. For me, the programs that WYA offers (such as the CTP, Internship, Advocacy Fellowship, Emerging Leaders Conference, Africa Arts Forum and Furaha Camp) continue to be relevant programs that I would encourage any young person to engage with.
Asante Sana (thank you very much) WYA for what you do for me and what you enable me to do for the youth today.
Written by Patricia Ahawo Gwambo, WYA Africa Regional Director, March 2016 to present