Marion: “I am a 21 years old student of in Law and Political Science and come from Paris. I am there involved in the association “Etudiants Pro-Vie”, which promotes respect due to the human person from conception to natural death.
I decided to do an internship at WYAE when I realized during my law studies how much power European institutions actually have in the orientation of national policies. I share Robert Schuman’s wish: the European project “cannot and must not remain an economic and technical enterprise”, disconnected with human rights and values. Politic is the implementation of a certain vision of the human person: a free and dignityfull being called to happiness through solidarity and self-gift.
In this context, the presence of the WYA at the European institutions is fundamental in recentering EU laws, simply by asking: “What about the person?” In Schuman’s words, “Europe needs a soul, the conscience of its historical affinities and of its responsibilites in the present and in the future, and a political will at the service of the same human ideal”.
The WYAE is here to never let Europe forget it!”