Art and Society

As a current fourth year student in the Philippines, one of the classes I am taking up is Rizal, a class where we study the life, the works, the death, and the impact of Jose Rizal, our national hero. Jose Rizal is a very renowned Filipino for writing the novels Noli Me Tangere and El […]

Partisan Politics and the Pro-Life movement in the United States

There are few issues as polarizing in the United States as that of abortion. Many of Americans have seen unproductive arguments on tv and within our own communities over the status of human life before birth and its implications for people everywhere-men, women, and children. The Human Life Review recently hosted a panel discussion at […]

First Time

It was a conference like you’ve never seen before. I never even thought that the Emerging Leaders Conference would be this fruitful, worthwhile, and entertaining. Being a delegate was such an honor and a blessing. Actually, it was my first time hearing about the conference when my school, University of Asia and the Pacific, asked […]

Does culture shape our identity?

The question of cultural identity arises whenever I travel and when I’m far from my home. The identity problem starts when people address to me. Who am I? Am I the person who I think I am or what the others believe I am? Do I see myself through the reflection of my own eyes […]

WYA Austria meets Kunstglaube

It was an experience of different cast. KUNSTGLAUBE means “Artfaith” in English translation. But what did it really mean? At an event last night, we weren’t really sure on what it literally meant. Did it mean the art of faith of the faith in Art. I together with the members of the WYA Austria Chapter got […]

Experiencing solidarity, joy and love in Krakow

As a member of the World Youth Alliance delegation to the recently concluded 2016 World Youth Day (WYD) celebration in Krakow, I’d like to share some of our powerful and inspiring experiences of solidarity, joy and love.  The Philippines, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Ireland and Germany were represented by the WYA delegation for the World Youth Day 2016. […]

On importance of leisure: Leisure is not mere idleness, it’s a gift

[tabs] [tab title=”English”] “We work so we can have leisure”, wrote Greek philosopher Aristotle, in one of his most important works “Nicomachean Ethics”. On the other hand, the prevailing philosophy of the modern world, in which actions which don’t give us immediate results are considered more or less meaningless, is “We have leisure so we […]

Dignity, Solidarity and Purpose: Reflections from my Summer Camp experience

Some people may think that WYA’s International Summer Camp program is a standard summer camp program where kids have fun, meet new friends and enjoy nature. Well, it is definitely so much more!  I don’t think I will be able to sum it all up in just a few of words, but I’d like to share some of […]

How WYA changed my perception of citizenship and leadership

  The greatest change that happened in the modern history of Tunisia is certainly the Jasmine revolution. It was so fundamental that it changed, personally, my perception toward my citizenship. Words like freedom and dignity were barely highlighted in the past but now they are the core challenges that hold the structure of our society. […]

The Beauty of Solidarity

The question isn’t, “what can you do?” but rather, “what can we do?” One of the recurring statements we hear nowadays is the call to end climate change. We feel the effects of climate change every year when we feel an increase in temperature, register a higher heat index, witness the uncontrollable effects of pollution, […]